Big cam 350
Big cam 350

I'm still going to get new lines made and I'm trying to find some Bio-kleen biocide. I'm unsure if the black stuff is slime left over from algae or if it is the inside of my fuel lines. I didn't have any water to speak of in there.

big cam 350

I had a bunch of fine black particles come out of the filter and they settled down to the bottom of the jar I poured it in.

big cam 350

The new fuel filter has the truck ripping and snorting again. These guys are the greatest and helped me with my horsepower goals. Hey, if you're getting new hoses made up, ask the guys to make the supply hose bigger in diameter!!! My wife has been working the last few nights and two car seats won't fit in the cab. I should get a chance to road test it tomorrow. But who knows what has been swapped out in 36 years. This 855 is the NTC 350 and I'm pretty sure it's a big cam. The return line is way too long because I think the truck had two tanks previously.Ĭruiser, I sure would like some tips on cranking this engine up when I get this issue tackled. I think I'm going to get some new fuel lines made for it. But I think I'm going to cross them off the list now. I had looked at them when I got home the other day. I put air to the filters and didn't get much of anything out of them. I hope I can figure it out without having to tear into the pump. He tried to use the can on a wire to dip fuel out. The driver had changed the fuel filter and when he was priming it. They worked on it for a month before they found a half disintegrated beer can in there that was blocking the intake every so often. He said one time he had a truck that would run great for hours and then just about die. I had an old mechanic today tell me to look in the tank really well. I'll look at them after I get my 8mo old son in bed.

big cam 350 big cam 350

I never thought to check the air cleaners. It clears up really well and throws a little smoke when you get in the throttle but not black smoke. The truck smokes grey for about 10 min when you start it cold.

Big cam 350